Gordon Pace


Creating a brand from scratch or giving it a fresh look is something I really enjoy doing. Each project has taught me valuable lessons and allowed me to refine my approach.

I’m always eager to share my insights and knowledge with my clients, so let me walk you through my personal process for brand-building.

First, I like to sit down and have a chat with you to really get to know your brand, its target audience, and your goals. This helps us lay the groundwork for a strong brand foundation. During this phase, we’ll work together to pinpoint your brand’s core attributes in a three-step process.

We’ll tackle this through a series of quick, interactive workshops, focusing on three key aspects:

  1. Purpose: Understanding why you do what you do.
  2. Proposition: Defining the role your brand plays in the world.
  3. Principles: Identifying the values your team believes in.

Next up is the strategic creative phase, where we’ll focus on your brand’s “Explicit level.” This includes your Brand Pose and Brand Personality.

The Brand Pose covers all the sensory aspects of your brand, such as its appearance, colors, typography, sounds, visual cues, and even scent or touch. Meanwhile, the Brand Personality delves into how your brand communicates and interacts with others, focusing on tone of voice, engagement, and various activations.

Once we’ve nailed down those elements, we’ll merge our findings to create a brand that truly reflects who you are and where you’re headed. And that’s how we’ll bring your brand vision to life!

Concept: fictitious craft beer

A rustic and outdoorsy craft beer advertisement that features a can and glass of beer on a wooden table. The background is a blurred image of a mountain range, conveying the feeling of being on an adventure in the great outdoors. The fonts are bold and simple, with a vintage touch.

Medium: Adobe PS & AI, AI & MJ
Medium: Adobe PS & AI, AI & MJ
Medium: Adobe PS & AI, AI & MJ
Medium: Adobe PS & AI, AI & MJ
Medium: Adobe PS & AI, AI & MJ

The Process

My goal was to showcase the beer in a way that speaks to adventure enthusiasts and conveys the feeling of enjoying a refreshing drink after a day spent exploring nature. To achieve this, I used Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Artificial Intelligence tools in my design process.

Step 1: Sketching and Concept Development
I started by sketching out the overall concept for the ad. I drew inspiration from the outdoors, incorporating elements like a wooden table, a can and glass of beer, and a beautiful mountain range in the background.

Step 2: Adobe Illustrator – Vector Graphics and Typography
Once the concept was solidified, I moved on to Adobe Illustrator to create the vector graphics for the ad. Illustrator allowed me to create crisp and scalable visuals that maintain their quality in any size. I designed the can and glass of beer, making sure to emphasize the frothy goodness of the beverage. For the typography, I chose bold, simple fonts with a vintage touch to complement the rustic vibe.

Step 3: AI Integration
To enhance the ad even further, I employed Artificial Intelligence tools to analyze and optimize the composition, layout, and visual balance of the design. This allowed me to make data-driven decisions, ensuring the ad would resonate with its target audience.

Step 4: Adobe Photoshop – Photo Manipulation and Compositing
With the vector graphics and typography in place, I used Adobe Photoshop to bring the elements together. I started by selecting a high-quality image of a mountain range and used various filters to create a blurred background, adding depth and focus to the scene. Next, I added the wooden table, can, and glass of beer, ensuring the elements were seamlessly integrated. I also applied various adjustment layers to achieve the desired color balance, lighting, and mood.

Step 5: Final Touches and Export
After making the necessary adjustments based on the AI analysis, I added the final touches to the ad, such as subtle textures, shadows, and highlights to enhance its realism. I then exported the final advertisement in multiple formats to cater to various mediums, like print, web, and social media.

In conclusion, the combination of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and AI tools enabled me to create a captivating and authentic rustic craft beer advertisement. The design process was both efficient and enjoyable, and I’m confident that this ad will inspire adventure seekers to indulge in a refreshing craft beer after their next outdoor escapade.